The 5th Annual ANZCAR Daytona 500
17/02 Open practice 4:30pmAEDT - 10:30pmAEDT
18/02 Qualifying 4:30pmAEDT - 10:30pmAEDT Fixed weather and time of day Best of 4 laps Front row qualifiers straight to 500
19/02 Duels - 60 laps Prac 7:30pmAEDT Race 8:00pmAEDT Both races held simultaneously, odd qualifying positions in Race 1, evens in Race 2
20/02 The 5th Annual ANZCAR Daytona 500 - 200 laps Prac 1:30pmAEDT Race 2:00pmAEDT Top 20 in 2021 points locked in provided they run their Duel race Remainder of 43 car field to be set by Duel races
REMINDER: ANZCAR Open Garage is in force for this event. The top 3 finishers from the 500 must upload their telemetry using instructions from the Discord. ANZCAR may also request files from any session but will not request until after the 500 to protect drivers setup data. Failure to comply is an instant disqualification.
Supplementary Event Regulations
Minimum speed is 52.000 second laptime. We will not be policing this live during the event, however any driver involved in an incident while running slower than the minimum speed will automatically assume fault and will receive a DQ and a race ban.
17/02 Open practice 4:30pmAEDT - 10:30pmAEDT
18/02 Qualifying 4:30pmAEDT - 10:30pmAEDT Fixed weather and time of day Best of 4 laps Front row qualifiers straight to 500
19/02 Duels - 60 laps Prac 7:30pmAEDT Race 8:00pmAEDT Both races held simultaneously, odd qualifying positions in Race 1, evens in Race 2
20/02 The 5th Annual ANZCAR Daytona 500 - 200 laps Prac 1:30pmAEDT Race 2:00pmAEDT Top 20 in 2021 points locked in provided they run their Duel race Remainder of 43 car field to be set by Duel races
REMINDER: ANZCAR Open Garage is in force for this event. The top 3 finishers from the 500 must upload their telemetry using instructions from the Discord. ANZCAR may also request files from any session but will not request until after the 500 to protect drivers setup data. Failure to comply is an instant disqualification.
Supplementary Event Regulations
Minimum speed is 52.000 second laptime. We will not be policing this live during the event, however any driver involved in an incident while running slower than the minimum speed will automatically assume fault and will receive a DQ and a race ban.